Osteochondrosis affects more than half of the world's population. This number includes both adults and teenagers. Dealing with it is truly a difficult task. There are many ways of healing that require regularity and complexity.
Osteochondrosis - what does it mean
This disease affects not only the spinal column. Osteochondrosis affects the intervertebral discs, adjacent muscles and corset, nerve endings, venous system, joints, vertebral body. Such a range of illness causes many disease-causing symptoms to be experienced. The aforementioned systems, which are affected by osteochondrosis, suffer and risk losing their full functionality. As a result, new diseases develop against its background. Their treatment is meaningless, because the root cause is the problem of the spine and its departments.

Metabolic processes are aggravated and destruction and deformation of tissues are observed - this is how the disease develops.
The main symptom of osteochondrosis is back pain. It can intensify, subside and pass, but come back again. Over time, if the patient does not pay due attention to treatment, appears:
- feeling of stiffness in the spinal region;
- difficulty with movement;
- general malaise - fatigue, drowsiness, etc.
Also bright neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine of the spine:
- attacks of dull pain or its constant accompaniment;
- return of sensations to the buttocks or leg, popliteal fossa, sacrum and genitals;
- coldness in extremities, cyanosis, convulsions, etc.
There are a lot of them. Therefore, the appearance of the disease can be triggered by more than one prerequisite:
- sedentary lifestyle;
- heavy physical activity;
- stress and overexertion;
- office professions;
- trauma, congenital defects, curvature;
- excess weight;
- bad habits;
- overexertion during sports training;

The disease is localized in one or more parts of the spine (common osteochondrosis). Hence the name of the species:
- osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
- thoracic;
- lumbosacral.
advanced form of the disease
Diffuse osteochondrosis covers not only the musculoskeletal system, but also internal organs and systems. Their functionality deteriorates and new diseases appear.
Juvenile or youthful osteochondrosis
In adolescence, the symptoms of the disease are slightly different. Juvenile osteochondrosis manifests itself in the form of:
- headaches (frequent and prolonged);
- dizziness;
- critical state of health on the verge of fainting.
Juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine is easily confused with other ailments. Therefore, diagnosis at home and self-treatment carry the threat of complications.

Stages of development
The stages of the disease differ in clinical changes. There are only 4 of them.
Stage one: initial
The intervertebral disc is gradually compressed, and its height becomes smaller. At this stage, the disease begins to affect nearby tissues of the spine.
Second phase
A change in the intervertebral discs entails the displacement of all ligaments, nerve endings, etc. At the second stage, tissue sagging is formed due to this, the previous stability of the spinal column is lost.
Third stage
The following stages are the most destructive: the intervertebral discs are finally deformed, flattened, squeezed out to the sides.
Changes in the fourth stage
The body tries to strengthen the spinal column. At the last stage, the adaptation process is activated. As a result, bone growths appear on the vertebrae - osteophytes, which allegedly hold a very mobile spinal column.

There are many methods and complexes for the treatment of this disease. The peculiarity of osteochondrosis is that it is possible to restore the health of the spine only in conjunction with motor activity.
A sore back is a limitation of a person's capabilities. In order not to start osteochondrosis, you need to know its manifestation and the correct approach to treatment.
Here are the stages of treatment:
- elimination of pain and discomfort in the affected areas;
- traction of the spinal column;
- strengthening the spinal column;
- increased blood circulation due to manual therapy;
- sometimes the use of chondroprotective drugs, which have a beneficial effect on the formation of intervertebral discs.
If osteochondrosis was diagnosed not at the initial stage, then it will take about 2 years to get a good result - improving the condition of the deformed sections. Treatment takes place every 6 months. Not in all cases it is possible to completely cure osteochondrosis, but it will help to provide good depreciation.

Medical approach
Common osteochondrosis of the spine is treated with tablets and ointments. The main effect of drugs is an analgesic effect, anti-inflammatory, warming and enhancing blood circulation. They can give temporary relief, but not healing. They cannot be used permanently. At the stage of osteochondrosis, drugs are used in rare cases that stimulate the growth of cartilage tissue. Only the following stages of treatment will help restore the previous shape of the spine.
Treatment with medicines in the postoperative period is especially important.
Spinal traction or traction
The procedure provides immediate relief. After all, by increasing the distance between the vertebrae, the load on the spine is reduced and correctly distributed. This is an effect for a short period of time, but helps to restore the pillar to its previous shape. Used in conjunction with other methods.
Therapeutic gymnastics and physical exercises
A course of special exercises will help return the spinal column back to normal. They are prescribed by a doctor, because the benefits depend on the effect on a certain type of muscles, vertebrae and cartilage.
Many positive results at the same time gives physical activity. Blood circulation and metabolism are enhanced, the spine and muscles around it are strengthened. There is an even recovery.
Vacuum exposure
Similarly, the treatment affects the deepest tissues. Due to pressure drops, blood circulation increases, tissue repair accelerates, stagnation resolves. Banks are prescribed to a patient with osteochondrosis, if there are no contraindications.

Manual therapy
It is applied to the affected areas of the back. Quite good results were shown by massage treatment. The principle of action is to increase blood circulation, inflow and outflow of blood to the spine. Thus, the metabolism is restored, as in a healthy person. In addition, the muscles relax. After several sessions, the pain decreases and gradually disappears. The method is good for chronic osteochondrosis, as well as for prevention against exacerbation of the disease.
It is very important to combine massage sessions with physiotherapy exercises or other physical exercises, medications, and the right diet. Then relief is guaranteed to come.
Reflexology and acupuncture
Treatment is always used in combination with massage. Reflexology is a targeted effect on reflex points. The same principle applies to acupuncture. When back pain is concerned, such methods are very favorable in combination with other procedures.
Surgical intervention
The operation takes place in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine. But these are rare cases with complications, when conventional approaches are ineffective. Often surgery is used to treat diffuse osteochondrosis.
But the surgical method carries a lot of risk and danger. To make sure that the operation is urgent, you need to undergo tomographic examinations, to identify how the position of the spine is inferior to the norm.

Two situations where surgery is the only solution:
- loss of patient control over bowel movements;
- violation of the nerve endings of the lower spine, when pursued by pain on palpation (cauda equina syndrome).
Surgical treatment requires two approaches.
- Elimination of disorders in the spine, growths, removal of part of the vertebra, etc.
- Restoration of the spine, its stabilization.
Rehabilitation for osteochondrosis of the spine requires a lot of time, especially if the treatment was surgical. Even juvenile osteochondrosis is protracted.
It must be remembered that any clinical picture is individual. Therefore, treatment depends on the degree of the disease, the correct diagnosis made by the attending physician and your consent.